Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
5th Year, sem 1, 2024-2025

UP-6E | Landscape Design

Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2

Urban and Landscape Design
Course Leader:
lect.dr.urb.peis. Andreea Bunea
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

The course "LANDSCAPE DESIGN" provides the necessary knowledge of Landscape involvement in Architectural Object and Urban Design, providing the student with basic creative, theoretical and practical knowledge on reading, analyzing, interpreting and inserting the Anthropic Landscape (Built/Architectural Landscape) into the Natural and Cultural Landscape, through Sustainability and Resilience. The objectives of the course are to develop a perceptual sensitivity of landscaping, to create an orientation in analytical thinking, as well as the correlation between the Landscape, the Urban Framework and the Architectural Object, through an inter-, multi- and transdisciplinary approach.


- Introduction. The general structure of course. Context.
- The definition of the concept of LANDSCAPE. The relation between LANDSCAPE-SITE-URBAN FRAME-ENVIRONMENT-ARCHITECTURAL OBJECT. Landscape Scenography.
- Classification, typology; elements of sensitive reading of Landscape.
- Landscape structure. The relationship between environment, Sit, Urban framework, object architecture and Macro-, Mezzo-, Landscape.
- The relation between Building and Landscape; urban-architectural intervention in the Macro-, Mezzo-, Landscape.
- Garden - philosophical and aesthetic direction. Cosmogonic theories. Archetypes garden. Sit and sacredness.
- Elements of language on reading and interpreting the landscape. Relationship Architecture / Construction / Frame Urban / Landscape / City.
- Perceptual, aesthetic, symbolic, functional, cultural and historical Tools. Intervention in the landscape.
- Landscape Principles in the Evolution of The Garden Art. Landscape gardens styles: characteristics, evolution.
- Landscape styles: modern tendencies of style development.
- Aesthetic principles and categories in landscape design. Functional and esthetic and landscape architecture.
- Patterns of green spaces. Classifications, categories, features.
- Urban green spaces. Green function. The green areas in the city. Morphological relationships of green. Relation space / volume. Scenography of the Landscape.

Teaching Method:

Commented Lectures in the classroom/online with illustrations, invitees, case studies and examples, movie with landscape thematic.


Exam - max. 70% + Evaluation Papers, applied at the end of the course - max. 30% from the final mark
Course work papers, will test the student's understanding and knowledge acquired in the audited course.
The exam final papers are focused on the direct application or creative conceptualization of the principles and/or typologies of a Landscape Design characteristic of a historical period, from the evolution of the history of the garden, within a real exercise proposed and "freehand drawn" by the student.
The final written exam papers will integrate subjects which will test in a creative way, the understanding of the knowledge acquired in the course, by applying the theoretical components and the examples presented in the course or from the direct personal documentation of the student.


Bibliography (minimal):
•Bell, Simon, Landscape: Pattern, Perception and Process, Routledge, 2012.
•Bernea, Ernest, Spațiu timp și cauzalitate la poporul român; (Ed.) Humanitas, București, 1997;
•Birksted, Jan, Relating Architecture to Landscape, Londra, E & FN Spon,1999;
•Craciun, Cerasella, Capitolul IV: “The Vulnerability of Fragile Landscape and Complex Hazards. Areas with Potential Risks and Specific Types of Hazards and Vulnerabilities of the Natural, Anthropic and Cultural Landscape in Braila County, Romania”, in "Earthquake hazard impact and urban planning”, seria Environmental Hazards, Editura Springer, 2013, (in curs de aparitie)
•Craciun, Cerasella, “Metode de abordare și cercetare exploratorii in urbanism si peisagistica. Epistemologia și Transdisciplinaritatea - Instrumente de cercetare a Peisajului Natural, Antropic și Cultural.”, Editura Universitară "Ion Mincu", Bucuresti, 2012.
•Craciun, Cerasella, „Arta in spatiul peisagistic. element de coeziune al vietii comunitare. Studiu de Caz: Arta Murală și Tehnica de Artă Graffiti/Stencil.” (Editie coordonata), Editura Universitară “Ion Mincu”, 2009.
•Craciun, Cerasella, “Culegere de documente legislative în domeniul peisajului natural, antropic și cultural, în amenajarea teritoriului și în urbanism”, Editura Universitara „Ion Mincu”, Bucuresti, iunie 2010.
•Charageat, Marguerite, L’Art des jardins, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 62;
•Cullen, Gordon, Townscape, Londra, The Architectural Press Ltd, 1961;
•Conran, Terence; Pearson, Dan, Le jardin – une surse inepuisable d'inspiration ;
•Constantinescu, S. Viorica, Arta Gradinii, Ed. Meridiane, Bucuresti, 1992
•Jellicoe, Geoffrey&Susan,The Landscape of Man,Thames & Hudson Ltd, London, 95;
•Jellicoe, Geoffrey, Studies in Landscape Design, Garden Art Press, 1996;
•Harada, Jiro, Japanese Gardens, Boston, Charles T. Branford Co, 1956 ;
•Pigeat, Jean Paul, Parcs et jardin contemporain, Paris, 1990;
•Selman, Paul, Sustainabke landscape Planning. The Reconection Agenda, Routledge, 2012.

•Craciun, Cerasella, Articol ”Landscape, Ambient and Environment Management in Residential Urban Areas ” - Proiect ECOLOC (pag.79- pag.89), in cadrul cartii ”Landscape-Architecture-Technology-Ambient”, Editura Universitara „Ion Mincu”, Bucuresti, 2011
•Craciun, Cerasella, Articol „ANTROPOLOGIE și PEISAJ. Între icon, arhetip și design conștient al memoriei unui loc.” (pag.89-101), in sectiunea de Antropologie Urbana, Editura Papirus Media, 2009.
•Craciun, Cerasella, Articol: “GRADINI DISPARUTE”, (pag.83-85), in numarul tematic Bucuresti – 550 ani, din Revista Urbanismul. Serie Noua., nr.3/septembrie 2009.
•Craciun, Cerasella, Articol „Proiectul GRADINI PIERDUTE. Cercetarea Gradinilor disparute din Muncipiul Bucuresti” (pag 82-84), in Sectiunea „Bucuresti Metropola a Sec XXI”, Rubrica „Studiul de Caz. Peisajul - Trecut si Prezent”, in revista Forumul Academic Roman (FAR XXI), nr.2/februarie 2009.
•Craciun, Cerasella, Capitol: „Conventia europeana a peisajului si importanta peisajului cultural in oras, in context rezidential”, in „Reabilitarea Complexa a Ansamblurilor de Cladiri de Locuit: Context, Directii si Criterii” (pag. 35-44), destinat Simpozionului National SIR (Solutii Integrate de Reabilitare), publicat ca numar special in Analele Arhitecturii, nr.2/2009, Bucuresti, iunie 2009.

Bibliography (extensive):
• Arnheim, Rudolf, Arta și percepția vizuală, Editura Meridiane, București 1979
•Bense, M., Semiotik – Allgemeine Theorie der Zeichen, Baden-Baden, Ed. Agis, 1967;
•Benz, Willi, Suiseki,The Asian Art of Beautiful Stones, Sterling Publishing,NY,2000;
•Buisson, D., L’Architecture Sacree du Japon, ACR, Paris, 1989;
•Ciocarlan, Vasile, Flora ilustrată a României, Ed. Ceres, București, 1988;
•Craciun, Cerasella, „Gradina in lumea arhetipala si semnificatia cosmica – Sens filosofic si estetic , teorii cosmologice si arhetipurile gradinii”, (pag.163 – pag.180), in cadrul cartii „Peisaj Cultural si Dezvoltare”, ISBN 978-973-1884-85-1, Editura Universitara „Ion Mincu”, Bucuresti, 2011
•Craciun, Cerasella, CARTE: ’’METABOLISMUL URBAN. O ABORDARE NECONVENTIONALA A ORGANISMULUI URBAN’’, Editura Universitara “Ion Mincu”, 2008 (lucrare selectionata de un juriu international la BIANUALA DE ARHITECTURA Bucuresti, 2008, Sectiunea Publicatii)
•Dee, Catherine, To Design Landscape. Art, Nature & Utility, Routledge, 2012.
•Eckbo, Garrett, The Landscape We See, NY, McGraw–Hill Book Company,1969;
•Filip, Paul, Batranul Cismigiu, P.M.B., ARCUB – Centrul de Proiecte Culturale, Bucuresti, 1999;
•Hayakawa, M., The Garden Art of Japan, New York, Tokyo, Wheatherhill, 1973 ;
•Iliescu, Ana-Felicia, Arboricultura ornamentala, Ed. Ceres, Bucuresti, 1998;
•Kepes, Gyorgy, Il linguaggio della visione, Edizioni Dedalo, Bari 1986;
•Kuck, L,The World of the Japanese Garden,New York,Tokio,Walker/Wheatherhill, 968 ;
•Kurokawa, Kisho, Architecture de la Symbiose, Electa Moniteur, Liguge, Poitiers, ‘87 ;
•Marcus, Rica, Parcuri si gradini in Romania, Bucuresti, Ed. Tehnica, 1958;
•Molnar, Donald J., Rutledge, Albert J. , The Essentials of Recreation Area Planning and Design, 2003
•Nitschke, Gunter, Space and Illusion in the Japanese Garden, New York, Wheatherhill / Tankosha, 1973 ;
•Nitschke,Gunter,Le jardin Japonais,Koln, Benedikt Taschen Verlag Gmbh&Co KG,1991;
•Norberg - Schultz, Christian, Genius loci; (Ed.) Pierre Mardaga, 1986;
•Parvu, Constantin, Universul plantelor, Ed. Enciclopedica, Ed. A III-a, Bucuresti, 2000 ;
•Pigeat, Jean Paul, Parcs et jardin contemporain, Paris, 1990;
•Plumptre, George, Wasergarten, Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt;
•Shimoyama, Sh., The book of Gardens, Tokyo: Town and City Planners, 1976;
•Swaffield, Simon(Editor),Theory in Landscape Architecture:A Reader (Penn Studies in Landscape Architecture), University of Penssylvania Press, Philadelphia;
*** Paysage: parcs urbains et suburbains, Cahiers du CCE;
***L’art Contemporain, l’homme, la ville. Histoire. Methodes. Observatoire., CAUE ’92, Conseil d’Architecture, d’Urbanisme et de l’Environnement des Hauts-de-Seine,Topos;
*** The Essential Gardening Encyclopedia, Fog City Press, San Francisco, 2003;
*** The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies, Series: Routledge International Handbooks, 2012.

• •Craciun, Cerasella, Articol „Peisaj, Ambianta si Mangementul Mediului in spatiile urbane rezidentiale”- Proiect ECOLOC (pag.81- pag.92), in cadrul cartii „Peisaj-Arhitectura-Tehnologie-Ambient”, ISBN 978-973-1884-92-9, Editura Universitara „Ion Mincu”, Bucuresti, 2011
•Craciun, Cerasella, Articol „Valori ale patrimoniului natural disparut din arealul central al Municipiului Bucuresti” (pag. 9-19), in capitolul „Studii si proiecte de cercetare”, din publicatia: Argument 2/2010. Studii si cercetari stiintifice de arhitectura si urbanism, Editura Universitara „Ion Mincu”, Bucuresti, februarie 2011.
•Craciun, Cerasella, Articol „PEISAJUL – ca „promotor” si „model” al unei strategii de interventie si a unei forme institutionale unice de gestiune. Studiu de Fundamentare de Perisaj al Judetului Braila – Istorie, transformare si evolutie a peisajului natural, antropic si cultural” (pag.77-88), in revista Amenajarea Teritoriului si Urbanismul, Anul X, Nr.3-4, octombrie 2010.
•Craciun, Cerasella, Articol „PEISAJUL URBAN – ÎNTRE “LOC AL MEMORIEI” ȘI “LOC AL ACȚIUNII” (pag. 62-75), in publicatia: Argument 1/2009. Studii si cercetari stiintifice de arhitectura si urbanism. (ISSN 2067-4252), pe tema Sesiunii de Comunicari Stiintifice “Regenerarea Peisajului Urban / Arhitectural. Intre Repere - Prioritati – Limite”, Editura Universitara „Ion Mincu”, Bucuresti, iunie 2010.
•Craciun, Cerasella, Articol “BUCURESTIUL, RECIPIENT SI GENERATOR DE PEISAJE DESTRUCTURATE SI DESTRUCTURANTE”, in publicatia Argument. Studii si cercetari stiintifice de arhitectura si urbanism, nr.1/2009, Bucuresti, 2009.
•Craciun, Cerasella, Articol “METHODES OF ANALYSIS, DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY IN THE HUMAN SETTLEMENTS’ LANDSCAPE”, pag.869-879, in Horticulture - Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (The journal is indexed / included in CAB Abstracts, ISI Proceedings, Thomson Reuters Master Journal List, etc.), Cluj Napoca, 2009 Volume 66 (2).
•Craciun, Cerasella, Articol: “MACROSCAPE”, (pag. 32-33), in numarul tematic Bucuresti – 550 ani, din Revista Urbanismul. Serie Noua., nr.3/septembrie 2009.


The course is a fundamental discipline, optional for the students of The Faculty of Architecture and compulsory discipline for the student of Faculty of Urban Planning - "Urban Design and Planning" Specialization + "Urbanism and Territorial Management" Specialization - 28 hours/2ECTS - Discipline Code: UP-6.