Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
5th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025

ST-59E | Sustainable architecture

Optional Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2


Regulations Sustainable Arch 2024 en.pdf


Technical Sciences
Course Leader:
lect.dr.arh. Daniel N. Armenciu
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

The discipline aims to acquire a general knowledge of sustainable design, in order to prepare the student to cope with the challengings of the following years regarding the evolution of the international phenomenon of sustainability in the field of architecture.


The knowledge the students come in contact with will be applied to the "Sustainable Architecture Optional Design Studio" subject. Thus, they will acquire effective sustainable design skills, that will guide them towards conceptual and technological choices, adapted to the current realities with which the contemporary architect works. The major objective of the two disciplines is to create a personal critical method of analysis and interpretation of the context in which an intervention is to be inserted, thus generating a sustainable, compatible architecture.
The attendance at some courses of external guests, coming from the professional environment, research or non-governmental organizations, active participants in the current phenomena of the field, offers the opportunity to familiarize the students with the professional reality in Romania.

- Concepts of sustainable development in architecture;
- Sustainable approach to architectural design; Bioclimatic design;
- Use of alternative energies; ("solar architecture", "green architecture", "zero energy building" etc.)
- Human comfort;
- Spatial conformation of buildings;
- Supporting technologies for sustainable buildings;
- The behavior of buildings’ envelope in relation with the environment;
- Policies for the implementation of energy efficiency measures;
- Green Building certification systems;

Teaching Method:

The way of organizing the lectures is meant to be an interactive one, involving the active participation of the students. Starting from the general notions that introduce the course topics, cumulative specific notions are added.


Obtaining credits related to the discipline involves going through the scheduled activities during the courses and obtaining a minimum mark of 5 (five) as a final result of the following type of evaluation:
Final summative evaluation - Elaboration, in team (3-4 students), of a theoretical paper, which would justify the sustainability of the intervention of the project elaborated in parallel to the discipline “Optional Project of Sustainable Architecture”.

• For having access to the exam, it is mandatory to attend 50% of the course activities.
• Students who previously failed the exam may be reexamined without complying the mandatory attendance condition, only if they have complied this constraint before.
• The final mark is rounded according to the university regulations.
• Cases of fraud (copying / plagiarism) are noted with 1.
• It is compulsory to submit the examination paper of the session.
• Reporting of errors regarding the final marks or possible consultations can be made within one week after the results being displayed.


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• Armenciu, D., (2023), Proiectul bioclimatic în Arhitectura din România, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincuˮ, București;
• Armenciu, D. (2009*), Arhitectura bioclimatică - Definire, concepte, formă, în „Igloo Habitat & Arhitectură”, nr. 93 - septembrie 2009, Igloo Media, București;
• Barnett, J., & Beasley, L. (2015). Ecodesign for Cities and Suburbs.
• Benedetti, C. (1994), Manuale di architettura bioclimatica, Maggioli Editore, Rimini;
• Calder B. (2022). Architecture : from prehistory to climate emergency. Penguin Books.
• Calkins, M., (2012), The Sustainable Sites Handbook: A Complete Guide to the Principles, Strategies, and Best Practices for Sustainable Landscapes, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, SUA;
• Crowther, R.L., Ecologic Architecture, Butterworth-Heinemann 1992;
• DeKay M., Brown G. Z., (2008), Sun, Wind, and Light: Architectural Design Strategies, Wiley, SUA.
• Givoni, B. (1969), Man, Climate and Architecture, Elsevier Publishing Company LTD, Barking, Essex;
• Hegger, M., Fuchs, M., et. al., (2008), Energy Manual; Sustainable Architecture, Birkhauser/Edition Detail, Basel.
• Ionac, N., (1998), Clima și comportamentul uman, Editura Enciclopedică, București.
• Lechner R., 2001 (Second Edition), Heating, Cooling, Lighting, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, SUA;
• Maclay, W., Maclay Architects, (2014), The New Net Zero: Leading-Edge Design and Construction of Homes and Buildings for a Renewable Energy Future, Chelsea Green Publishing, White River Junction, USA;
• Ochinciuc, C., (2002), Conceptul dezvoltarii durabile în arhitectură: Proiectarea integrata, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, București;
• Ochinciuc, C., (2006), Arhitectura și schimbarea climatică, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, București;
• Ochinciuc, C., (2006*), Propunere de introducere a indicatorilor pentru clădirile durabile, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, București;
• Olgyay V. Olgyay A. & Lyndon D. (2015). Design with climate: bioclimatic approach to architectural regionalism (New and expanded). Princeton University Press.
• Opreanu, M., Suprafete arhitecturale în timp și în lumina, o perspectiva ecologica în analiza arhitecturii istorice, Editura universitara „ION MINCU”, Bucuresti 2010;
• Opreanu, M., Note de curs, Fizica Constructiilor 1, Eco-Tehnologie Arhitecturala, Tehnica de Restaurare;
• Olgyay, V.; Olgyay, A. (1957), Solar Control and Shading Devices. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA;
• McDonough W., Braungart, M., (2002), Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, North Point Press, SUA.
• Pană, R., (2010), Fizica Construcțiilor – Higrotermică, însorire și protecție solară, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, București;
• Slessor, C., ECO – TECH, Sustainable Architecture and High Technology, Thames and Hudson;
• Teleche, O., (2014), Teza de doctorat: Eco-Reabilitarea locuințelor. O abordare conceptuală a reabilitării locuințelor colective postbelice din România, Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism „Ion Mincu”, București.
• Watson, D., FAIA, and Kenneth, Labs, Climatic Design; Solar Architecture In Europe, Design, Performance and Evaluation, PrismPress1991;
• Yeang, K., (1996), The skyscraper bioclimatically considered, Academy Editions, London;