Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
1st Year, sem 1, 2024-2025

ST-3E | Building Materials

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C+1S | ECTS Credits: 2

FA-E ST-3E Building Materials.pdf
Technical Sciences
Course Leader:
lect.dr.arh. Laura Dobrescu
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

The ability to correctly use building materials with certain properties in order to create architecture projects or systems, which correspond with the aesthetic requirements as well as the technical ones, correlated with an aesthetic and correct designing and with the right functional use of space;
The ability to understand, apply and solve certain architecture details; general solving principles by using traditional and modern building materials, finish materials and insulation materials;
Knowing the main physical and mechanical properties and the behaviour of certain base materials, indispensable properties for understanding set complex phenomena;
Knowing the way materials and products behave during exploitation and how they can be maintained.
Knowing and adapting to the supply and demand graph market and to the dynamic of the technological evolution.
To adhere to the currently used criteria, regarding the quality assurance of the products and of the services.


1.Thematic seminar – The thematic seminar aims to develop students' ability to choose materials based on their aesthetic and technical valences, thus correlating the main categories of materials (wood, stone, etc.) with the field of use presented in the course (wall/floor finishes, etc.). Presentation of the seminar and the evaluation method.

2.Wood. Presentation of samples. Detailed analysis of some materials by observing them by the student and free discussions, examples, uses. Completion of the thematic seminar.

3.Natural and artificial stone. Presentation of samples. Detailed analysis of some materials by observing them by the student and free discussions, examples, uses. Completion of the thematic seminar.

4.Ceramics. Presentation of samples. Detailed analysis of some materials by observing them by the student and discussing on examples. Completion of the thematic seminar.

5.Glass. Presentation of samples. Detailed analysis of some materials by observing them by the student and free discussions, examples, uses. Completion of the thematic seminar.

6.Metal and plastics. Presentation of samples. Detailed analysis of some materials by observing them by the student and free discussions, examples, uses. Completion of the thematic seminar.

7.Mineral binders, plasters, concretes - Presentation of samples. Detailed analysis of some materials by observing them by the student and free discussions, examples, uses. Completion of the thematic seminar.

Teaching Method:

Teaching method at the seminar:
-The educational demonstration and visual observation;
-The display of material and product samples and their visual observation;
-The use of documentation notes and work notes;
-Teamwork (a group with a precise assignment, a small group, brainstorming, a creative group for making a project/ product);
- Problematize;
- Case study;
-Obtaining information from different resources (standard, normative, catalogues, presentation brochures, etc.);
-Oral and written exams, through which students demonstrate – as specified in the performance criteria required at the seminar/course – that they are able to: enumerate materials specific to their work categories, containing all the materials from the discussed chapter, to identify the material, to correlate the materials with the domain they are used in, to describe the materials; this will be demonstrated with the material cards, containing all the elements from the field of application, to verify the measurements of the materials, etc.;
Methods of educational representation at classes:
- Theoretical lectures followed by illustrative materials, digital presentations with a digital projector;
-Presentations such as ‘How it`s made’;
-The heuristic discussion;
-Comparative analysis discussions.


1 point ex officio

80 %

Summative Assessment (ES)

Recognition/description of all physical and chemical properties of 4 building materials

The exam will be scored with grades from 0-10. The grade obtained in the exam will represent a percentage of the final grade. The minimum grade for passing the exam is grade 5.

10 %

Continuous Assessment (EC)

Work during the semester on building materials and products presented at the seminar. During each seminar there will be an ONLINE test - from the material presented at the seminar.


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ALLEN, EDWARD; IANO, JOSEPH: Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods, Editura: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2014
ANDO, TADAO; HENEGHAN, TOM; PARE, RICHARD : Tadao Ando : The Colours of Light, Editura: London Phaidon, 1996
BRATU, C.: Introducere la cursul de materiale pentru construcții și finisaje, Editura: UAUIM, 1996 (multiplicare internă).
BRIDGE, NICOLE: Architecture 101: From Frank Gehry to Ziggurats, an Essential Guide to Building Styles and Materials, Editura: Adams Media, USA, 2015
BROWNELL, BLAINE: Transmaterial, Editura: Princeton Architectural Press, 2005.
BROWNELL, BLAINE: Transmaterial 2, Editura: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008.
BRUCE, LINDSEY: Digital Gehry: Material Resistance, Digital Construction (The Information Technology Revolution in Architecture), Editura: Birkhauser – Publishers for architecture, Basel, Boston, Berlin, 2001
CONSTANTINESCU, R.; PLATON, M.: Utilizarea maselor plastice în construcții.
CHUDLEY, ROY; GREENO, ROGER: Building Construction Handbook, Editura: Routledge, 2014
DOMONE, PETER; ILLSTON, JOHN: Construction Materials: Their Nature and Behaviour, Fourth Edition, Editura: Spon Press, 2010
DUGGAL, S.K.: Building Materials, Editura: New Age International Publishers Private Limited, 2000
FLORESCU, A., ș.a.: Știința și Tehnologia Materialelor, Editura Panfilius, Iași, 2001.
HARDT, D.: Materiale plastice în arhitectură și construcții.
HARDT, D.: Materiale pentru construcții si finisaje, Editura: UAUIM ,1996 (multiplicare internă).
HARDT, D.: BRATU C., Glosar de arhitectură, construcții și finisaj, UAUIM 1981 (multiplicare internă).
HUBCA, Gh.; IOVU, H.; TOMESCU, M.; NOVAC, I-A.: Materiale compozite, Editura Tehnică 1999.
MAYINE L. YU: Skins, Envelopes, and Enclosures: Concepts for Designing Building Exteriors, Editura: Routledge NY, 2004
NEDELCU, D.; CARCEA, I.; NEAGU, G.; ZAGAN, R.; TABACARU, L.; PREDESCU, C.: Tehnologii de obținere a materialelor compozite, editura Politehnium, 2009.
POPESCU, NICOLAE: Studiul materialelor, Cimislia, "TimCim" 1993.
POPESCU, NICOLAE; BATALU, DAN: Introducere în știința materialelor, Elemente de teoria Științei Materialelor, Editura: Politehnica Press, 2000
Spence, William; Kultermann, Eva: Construction Materials, Methods and Techniques, Editura: CSI and Construction Specifications Canada, 2014
FUTAGAWA, YUKIO : TADAO ANDO Details, Editura: A. D. A. Edita, Tokyo, 2003
ZUMTHOR, PETER : Peter Zumthor. Three Concepts, Editura: Architekturgalerie Luzern, 1997
ZUMTHOR, PETER : Thinking Architecture, Editura: Birkhauser – Publishers for architecture, Basel, Boston, Berlin, 1999