The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
5th Year, sem 1, 2023-2024
Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2P | ECTS Credits: 3
The Architectural Technology studio aims an interdisciplinary approach of the Architectural design studio currently designed building - long project, Ist Semester, through evaluation of its sustainability degree and quality of the structural solution.
1. Sustainability assessment
The certification for sustainable buildings (BREEAM, LEED, EDGE etc.) represent complex rating systems targeting the overall building performance, used to assess the mitigation of the environmental impact related to the building’s extended life cycle, from design to construction, operation, maintenance and even complete disposal.
For the ongoing design study (developed simultaneously in the Architectural Design Studio), the sustainability assessment exercise will follow all the principles set by the certification systems, but the evaluation will focus on the architectural design criteria and will be limited to the architect’s actions and decisions.
Therefore, the architectural sustainability will be evaluated using 20 criteria, grouped into 7 categories: energy, health and comfort, transport, water, materials, waste and pollution. Fulfilling requirements set for each criterion leads to the accumulation of ‘credit’ points, which in the end permit the classification of the buildings into one of the 6 sustainability categories.
All criteria are optional, none of them are mandatory to be used by the students. The overall condition to pass the evaluation for this discipline is to prove for each project at least the ‘Good’ rating category, i.e. the accumulation of minimum 45 points. During this assessment, the students are free to choose the approaches considered the best for their particular projects, depending on the site characteristics, the designed buildings, their knowledge and personal preferences and interests.
2. Feasibility of the structural concept
Given the theme of the Architectural Design Studio - Special Structures - students will define a viable structural system, in accordance with the type defined through the design brief (tall building or large-spans buildings), which will be represented in the architectural drawings, based on an adequate pre-sizing of the main elements.
Mentoring activity is provided by teams of specialists in architectural-technological and structure problems studied and include a consultation program to support individual study which has an important weight.
Some dedicated lectures are aiming to add information about specific software tools (Dialux, Climate Consultant, OneClick LCA)
Evaluation is made by a jury and considers the following: the quality and demonstration of fulfillment of chosen sustainability criteria; quality of technical and constructive solutions; opportunity and quality of the structural solution; clarity and consistency of written and drawn parts.
Almusaed, A. Biophilic and Bioclimatic Architecture
Bergman, D. Sustainable Design. A Critical Guide.
Calkins, M., The Sustainable Sites Handbook: A Complete Guide to the Principles, Strategies, and Best Practices for Sustainable Landscapes
Compagno Intelligent Glass Facades
Hegger, M. et. al. Energy Manual; Sustainable Architecture
Lechner, N. Heating, Cooling, Lighting.
Maclay, W. The New Net Zero: Leading-Edge Design and Construction of Homes and Buildings for a Renewable Energy Future
Olgyay & Olgyay Solar control and Shading Devices
Richards, I. T. R. Hamzah & Yeang: Ecology of the sky.
Sassi, P. Strategies for Sustainable Architecture.
Yeang, K. The skyscraper bioclimatically considered.
UAUIM Lectures Building Physics, Architectural Detailing, Constructions, Structures