Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
3rd Year, sem 1, 2024-2025

ST-119E | Architectural Detailing (1)

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+2L | ECTS Credits: 4

FA-E ST-119E Architectural Detailing (1).pdf
Technical Sciences
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Zina Macri
Teaching Staff:
lect.dr.arh. Ioana Șerbănescu, drd.arh. Mihai Pîrvan
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

Development of the necessary skills for imagining and creating an architectural design that satisfies the users' different needs and exigencies.
The skills to understand contemporary issues in the design of architectural assemblies and details, and the ability to use them in creating sustainable architecture.
Understanding the requirements for different architectural assemblies and understanding a range of good-practice solutions for the building's envelope: enclosure walls and openings, fair-faced masonry and concrete, pitched roofs.
The ability to find, to select and to use adequate information for the specific requirements of a detailing design.
Understanding the intricate correlations between the design process, the construction process and the expressive potential inherent in architectural detailing.
The adequate knowledge of technical vocabulary and the correct use of specialty terms.


Introduction on the assessment of design solutions and construction details; selection criteria in architectural design - building materials/finishing systems/architectural details/technology. Performance-Based Building Design. The multiple interactions between the environment and the buildings, and how they impact the design of architecture.
External walls and their environmental control/mediation role within the building envelope.
Specific design solutions for different constructions systems and building materials used for external walls; plastered/rendered walls. Cladding.
Fair-faced masonry and exposed concrete walls: load bearing/non-load bearing masonry; exposed reinforced concrete elements.
Wall openings; various design solutions for windows and doors depending on the frame profiles and types of glazing.
Pitched roofs - the relation between the structural elements and roof covering composition.

Teaching Method:

Lectures based on visual presentations - with digital image and/or video support. Free discussion in class.


The final grade for "Architectural Detailing (1)" will be calculated as the arithmetic mean between the grade obtained in the exam during the exam session (50%) and the grade obtained in the Practical Applications (50%).
The assessment during the exam session consists of a written exam/multiple-choice test with some open ended questions.
To pass the "Architectural Detailing (1)" discipline, students must achieve a minimum average of 5.00 (five), without rounding up, in each of the two components: both the exam during the exam session and the Practical Applications.
Students who do not pass the written exam in the first exam session can retake the exam during the summer session, with the final grade being calculated using the same algorithm.
The practical applications cannot be redone. Failure to pass this component results in failing the "Architectural Detailing (1)" discipline.


Allen, E., Architectural Detailing. Function. Constructibility. Aesthetics. Wiley, 1992
Allen, E., Iano, J., Fundamentals of Building Construction. Materials and Methods. John Wiley & Sons, 2009 (5th ed.)
Allen, E., Rand, P., Architectural Detailing. Function. Constructibility. Aesthetics. 3rd Edition Wiley, 2016
Berge, B., The Ecology of Building Materials. Elsevier, 2009
Boswell, K., Exterior Building Enclosures. Design Process and Composition for Innovative Facades. John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Brookes, A., Meijs, M., Cladding of Buildings. Taylor & Francis, 2008 (4th ed.)
Cremers, J., Building Openings Construction Manual: Windows, Vents, Exterior Doors. Detail Construction Manuals, 2016
Crișan, R, Construcții din zidărie și beton armat, Editura Universitară Ion Mincu, 2012
Dabija, A.M., Sisteme performante pentru fațade. Ed. Univ. Ion Mincu, 2005 (2nd ed.)
Davies, N., Jokiniemi, E., ABCD… Architecture and Building Construction Dictionary. Elsevier, 2008
Deplazes, A., Constructing Architecture. Birkhauser, 2005
Domone, P., Illston, J. [Eds.], Construction Materials. Their nature and behaviour. Spon Press, 2010 (4th ed.)
Hardt, D., Proiectarea detaliilor de construcție. Ed. Tehnică, 1973
Hardt, D., Proiectarea detaliilor de finisaj. Ed. Tehnică, 1974
Herzog, T., Krippner, R., Lang, W., Facade Construction Manual. Ed. Detail, Birkhäuser, 2004 (1st Ed.), 2017 (2nd Ed.)
Knaack, Klein, Bilow, Auer, Façades. Principles of Construction. Birkhäuser, 2014
Lyons, A., Materials for Architects and Builders. Elsevier, 2007 (3rd Ed.)
Pană, R., Fizica construcțiilor. Higrotermica. Însorire și protecție solară. Ed. Univ. Ion Mincu, 2010
Peck, M., (Ed.), Modern Concrete Construction Manual. Ed. Detail, 2013
Schittich, C., Glass construction manual, Ed. Detail, Birkhäuser, 2007
Schunck, Oster, Barthel, Kiessl, Roof Construction Manual. Pitched Roofs. Birkhauser, 2013
Stan, A., Finisaj- volumele I și II, curs IAIM, 1989


The Erasmus exchange students as well as UAUIM students which must take this discipline, are officially registered for it and do not belong to the 3rd year group will get in contact with the 3rd year student representative, to be taken into evidence for the discipline's activities, discussions and exams.
Also, the "ArchitecturalDetailing/FA.en.3/UAUIM" Facebook group is created for this discipline (please ask to register at, for a better communication between tutors and students.