The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
2nd Year, sem 2, 2024-2025
Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+2L | ECTS Credits: 3
FA-E ST-118E Architectural Construction in Masonry and Concrete.pdfEnglish
- Knowledge of the technological possibilities to materialize architecture using masonry and concrete.
- Understanding of the architectural instruments to manage the relationship between human been, building and environment, in masonry and concrete construction; the ability to use them in sustainable architecture design.
- Knowledge of the expressive potential of masonry and concrete in architecture.
- Understanding the impact that choice of materials and constructive detailing have on the quality and durability of the architectural object.
- Knowledge of the basic rules of building configuration in masonry and reinforced concrete construction.
- Knowledge of the masonry and reinforced concrete technology.
- Knowledge of the project implementation technique.
- The necessary skills to understand and design architectural details.
- The ability to find, to select and to use the adequate information for the specific requirements of a particular design.
- The skills to communicate the architectural intention to the builder, by drawing and text.
- The adequate knowledge of technical vocabulary and the correct use of specialty terms.
The load bearing function of the masonry wall and the role of brick bonding. The closure function; the conservative behavior of the masonry wall and sustainable architecture. The semantic function of the wall. The brick and the stone in the 20th century architecture.
Materials for masonry. The brickwork technique. The load bearing wall and the masonry building design. Floors. Infrastructure; thermal insulation and protection against soil moisture.
Contemporary buildings in masonry - case studies.
Masonry construction types: the compartments; the box frame; the plates; the grid. The reinforced concrete, a material associated to modernity. The aesthetics of the reinforced concrete.
Types of structures in reinforced concrete and their architectural implications. Floors. Infrastructure; building protection against groundwater with hydrostatic pressure.
Façade walls in masonry and reinforced concrete. Insulation concepts. Heat flow and vapor diffusion; prevention of interstitial condensation. The “thermal bridges” problem. Design principles for low-energy buildings. Façade construction. Drawings 1/20.
Contemporary buildings in reinforced concrete – case studies.
The concreting process; formworks. The fair-face concrete.
The precast concrete – historical spots. Buildings in precast load-bearing panels. Precast frame systems. Precast façades. Actuality of the precast concrete – case studies in contemporary architecture.
Lectures with digital image support; open discussions during class.
For better communication between all parties, the students can access the Facebook group dedicated to this discipline "Architectural Construction in Masonry and Reinforced Concrete - UAUIM/FA/2/" (private group, registration needs approval) -
The minimal required passing value mark is obtained as follows:
Participation at the discipline's activities during the semester: 20% - obtained as weighted average from the graded questions - to be answered in writing, in class, during/at the end of some of the lectures.
Theoretical test (multiple-choice test) in the exam session: 80% - during the day set as Exam day in the official "Sesiune" program.
Allen, E., Iano, J., Fundamentals of Building Construction. Materials and Methods. John Wiley & Sons, 2009 (5th ed.)
Berge, B., The Ecology of Building Materials. Elsevier, 2009
Ching, F., Building Construction Illustrated. Wiley, 2019 (6th Ed.)
Crișan, R., Construcții din zidărie și beton armat, Editura Universitară Ion Mincu, 2012
Deplazes, A., Constructing Architecture. Birkhauser, Basel, 2005
Herzog, Krippner, Lang, Façade Construction Manual. Birkhäuser, Basel, 2004
Knaack, U., Klein, T., Bilow, M., Auer, T., Façades. Principles of Construction. Birkhäuser, 2014 (second ed.)
Lyons, A., Materials for Architects and Builders. Elsevier, 2007 (3rd Ed.)
Peck, M., (Ed.), Modern Concrete Construction Manual. Ed. Detail, 2013
Pfeifer, Ramcke, Achtziger, Zilch, Masonry Construction Manual. Birkhäuser, 2001
Davies, N., Jokiniemi, E., ABCD… Architecture and Building Construction Dictionary. Elsevier, 2008