Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
1st Year, sem 2, 2024-2025

ST-114E | Introduction to Structural Theory

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 2

Technical Sciences
Course Leader:
lect. Basarab Cheșcă
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

General competences:
the ability to understand the technological constraints in the realization of constructions and the evolution of solutions.
the ability to understand the different types of loads that can act on a construction and the transfer of forces
ability to understand seismic loads and how to measure/record earthquakes
the ability to understand the types of stresses that different loads can produce
the ability to identify, analyze and synthesize technical problems specific to the course field.


The evolution of structures – from megalithic constructions to the Greek temple
Loads for constructions
Principles of structural design, safety factors and notions of equilibrium
Evolution of the concept of force
Material point equilibrium and exemplification by trusses
Equilibrium of rigid solid, systems of parallel forces, center of gravity
Different types of stress (stretching, compression, bending); Relationship between request and architecture detailing (how we take a request or how we avoid it)
Sectional efforts; Exemplification on an architrave at Stonehenge
Summary course, exemplified with interconnected notions from previous courses

Teaching Method:

Lectures illustrated with digital images (drawings, photos, movies), organized in ppt presentations. (slide show).


Exam evaluation


- Angus J. Macdonnald, Structure and Architecture, Elsevier 2001
- M. Crisan – Statica Formelor Construite, Ed. UAUIM
- Mario Salvadori - Construcții: lupta împotriva gravitației