The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
5th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025
Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1L+12P | ECTS Credits: 3
FA-E SP5-4E Urban Design Study - Project Theory (5.2).pdfEnglish
- Acquiring the adequate knowledge regarding the urban problems
- Raising the awareness pf the students towards a rational perception of the existing urban system
- The deepening of the methodology for developing PUD
- Acquiring the methods and regulations for the connection to the limits and to the proximal built space
A. guided project
Inside of the semester program, the department proposes several sites.
Each group of students will prepare a project theme according to the chosen site, based on the multi-criteria analysis performed for that site.
B. lectures on the theory of the project
As part of the design studio activity tutors will deliver theoretical lectures with topics according to current architectural project: urban memory, urban regeneration, operations in the existing urban fabric, urban regulations and urban legislation.
The lectures will be delivered both for the design studio group and for the students of the entire year of study.
Discussions with the study teams, comments on the project in which the entire group takes part, checking each student’s project, project workbook, theoretical lectures, site visits.
Project workbook, study teams overview of the project in the design studio group; final evaluation by the studio jury.
Alexandru Sandu - Cursul STRUCTURA URBANA
Alexandru Sandu - Ghic termeni de specialitate - dictionar de urbanism -
Michael Bell - Space replaces us - essays and projects on the city, The Monacelli Press, NY, 2004
Ricky Burdett, Deyan Sudjic - The Endless City - The Urban Age Project by the London School of Economics and Deutsche Bank's Alfred Herrhausen Society, Phaidon, London, 2007
Douglas Farr - Sustainable urbanism: Urban design with Nature, Wiley Publishing, Toronto,2007
Ecological Urbanism - Harvard University, Lars Muller Publishers, 2009
GANDELSONAS , Mario - “ X-URBANISM: ARCHITECTURE AND THE AMERICAN CITY”, Princeton Architectural Press, Ny 1999
MVRDV - “KM3 – EXCURSIONS ON CAPACITIES”, Actar, Barcelona 2005