The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
5th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025
Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1P | ECTS Credits: 1
FA-E SP5-34E Architectural Technology Design Studio (5).pdfEnglish
The developement the ability to develop a complete architectural project (gradually integrating, in addition to the specific elements of architectural design itself, notions and elements that
of urban design, structural design, technical detailing, technology, sustainability, etc.).
Assimilation of specific design principles and methods, including understanding of functional and technical conditions, as well as attention to detail and material.
Systematic and in-depth understanding of principles and technical solutions to ensure overall sustainability and energy economy
The mediation between the functional requirements required by the theme and the plastic architectural expression, with the detailed explanation of a facade span accompanied by specific details.
Articulating a synthesis through the project: demonstrating the ability to integrate multiple parameters: technical, aesthetic, environmental and urban.
Exercising the skills related to the coordination of several specialties as a project manager.
With respect to a previously studied building at Architecture Studio, architectural technology study analyses issues regarding building relationship with natural and built environment, based on knowledges acquired at Building Physics' (1) course.
In this general thematic context, the architectural technology design requires elaboration of written and drafted parts able to illustrate architectural means of ambiental control (sunlight, natural light, hygrotermic comfort, acoustical protection) with rational energy consumption - with accent on SUNLIGHT, SUN PROTECTION and NATURAL LIGHTING.
Studio guidance is done by mixt groups of professionals, both professors of the Department and associate professors; the activity includes thematic presentations and individual guidance at the drawing board.
Final evaluation is done by a jury using the following criteria: rightness of addressing several specialty requirements and integration in a quality architectural result; consistency of architectural conception with Architecture Studio work; quality of personal technical documentation; logic and clarity of written parts and drawings.
COMPAGNO - Intelligent Glass Facades
LAM - Sunlight as a Formgiver for Architecture
OLGYAY & OLGYAY - Solar control and Shading Devices, Designing with Climate
SZOKOLAY - Solar Energy and Building
Watson and Labs - Climatic Building Design
Cursuri UAUIM: Teoria structurilor, Instalații-echipare, Finisaje, Fizica construcțiilor
Prospecte și cataloage de firme
Reviste (Detail, T&A, DBZ, etc)