Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
5th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025

SP5-2E | Architectural Design Studio / Theory of Architectural Design (5.3)

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1L+12P | ECTS Credits: 10

FA-E SP5-2E Architectural Design Studio - Theory of Architectural Design (5.3).pdf
Synthesis of Architectural Design
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Magdalena Stănculescu
Teaching Staff:
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

- Further experimentation of the INTEGRATED training system between architecture, urban planning, restoration, technical sciences, architectural technology
- Practising design in a multidisciplinary design team, in a system that simulates the usual professional practice
- Deepening the ability of identification and prioritization of the design parameters that influence the design process
- Acquiring a theoretical approach, well based for the preparation and drawing up of their own design themes
- The completion of all phases of study, in order to finalize a complex architectural project: from the concept and context to the architectural expression
- Analysis of the dialogue between tradition, identity, performant technology and sustainability
- Development of the intuitive skills of the students for materializing the unity of expression and style in architecture



A. guided project
Project with a theme created in the urban study phase (SP5-4).

B. lectures on the theory of the project
As part of the design studio activity tutors will deliver theoretical lectures with topics according to current architectural project: revitalization-conversion-regeneration, urban and architectural sustainability, urban image, architectural complexity.
The lectures will be delivered both for the design studio group and for the students of the entire year of study.

Teaching Method:

Theoretical lectures, checking each student’s project, comments on the project in which the entire group takes part, project workbook.


Project workbook, study team overview of the urban planning project, individual overview of the architectural project, the jury will give a grade.


LEACH, Neil - 'Rethinking Architecture', Ed. Routledge, Londra,1997, 'Camouflage', MIT Press, Cambridge,2006
AYNRONINO,Aldo+MOSCO,Valerio Paolo -Contemporary Public Space, Un-volumetric Arch.-Skira,2006
TSCHUMI, Bernard - The state of architecture at the beginning of the 21st century,The Monacelli Press, 2003
KOOLHAAS, Rem, MAU, Bruce - S, M, L, XL, Monacelli Press , New York, 1995
ZEIDLER, Ebergard - Multi-Use Architecture in the Urban Context, Van Nostrand reinhold, Ny 1995
EISENMAN, Peter -Blurred Zones – Investigations of the Interstitial, The Monacelli Press, New – York, 2003
HOLL, Steven - Urbanism: Working with Doubt, Princeton Architectural Press, 2009