The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
4th Year, sem 1, 2024-2025
Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1L+12P | ECTS Credits: 5
- Site study –the location as a decisive factor for mix-use (functional and volumetric spatial configuration)
- Understanding the values of the architectural space in dialogue with the functional aspects and technical issues
- Exploring the relationship between public and private space in an existing urban context
- Getting students in touch with the problems of real locations, giving them the opportunity of free expression of theirselfs
A. guided project
Project with a theme developped by the design studio. The project theme is elaborated by each design studio being part of the semester theme.
The theme shares a degree of complexity specific to the fourth year of study. The detailed presentations of the suggested topics, including recent bibliography, are offered to students at the beginning of the academic year.
B. lectures on the theory of the project
As part of the design studio activity, tutors will deliver theoretical lectures with topics according to current architectural project: the public private interface, the interactive relationship browsing space from public to private, about the relationship between architectural theme, concept and urban regulations.
The lectures will be delivered both for the design studio group and for the students of the entire year of study.
Checking each student's project, comments on the project in which the entire group takes part, theoretical lectures, site visits, case analyses.
Project workbook, individual overview of the project, the design studio jury will give a grade.
BICIUSCA, Florin – Geometria simbolica, Editura Paideia, Bucuresti,2008
GAUSA, MANUEL / GUALLART, VICENTE / MULLER, WILLY / SORIANO, FEDERICO / PORRAS, FERNANDO / MORALES, JOSE - the metapolis dictionary of advanced architecture-city, technology and society in the information age-2003, Actar, Barcelona
EISENMAN, Peter -Blurred Zones – Investigations of the Interstitial, The Monacelli Press, New – York, 2003
FRAMPTON, Kenneth - Modern architecture: a critical history, Ed.Thames&Hudson LTD, London, 1992
GHEORGHIU, Petru – "Un specific de locuire bucurestean" – EUAUIM 2003
KOOLHAAS, Rem, MAU, Bruce - S, M, L, XL, Monacelli Press , New York, 1995
LEACH, Neil - Rethinking Architecture, Ed. Routledge, Londra,1997
LEACH, Neil - Camouflage, MIT Press, Cambridge,2006
MEREDITH , Michael - From control to design : parametric / algorithmic architecture,Actar Publisher, Barcelona , Spain , 2008
MOUSSAVI , Farshid - The function of form, Actar, Barcelona , Spain , 2009
PATRULIUS, Radu - « Horia Creanga, omul si opera », Editura Tehnica, Buc., 1980.
SANDU, Alexandru – Samburele care face sa creasca, Editura Arhitext, Bucuresti,2008
TSCHUMI, Bernard - The state of architecture at the beginning of the 21st century,The Monacelli Press, 2003
ZEIDLER, Ebergard - Multi-Use Architecture in the Urban Context, Van Nostrand reinhold, Ny 1995