Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
4th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025

SP4-11E | Architectural Technology Design Studio (3)

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1P | ECTS Credits: 1

FA-E SP4-11E Architectural Technology Design Studio (3).pdf
Synthesis of Architectural Design
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Magdalena Stănculescu
Teaching Staff:
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

Integration of theoretical knowledge aquired at various disciplines of technical Sciences Department and using them to design an architectural object, having as guiding discipline Building Physics' (1).
Ability to control the balance between technological and architectural requirements, both as a whole and in detail, and to coordinate a unique coherent act, able to make possible the true building of the construction, with accent on aspects regarding the relationship between building and its environment.
Ability to estimate necessity and realize an efficient solar protection.
Ability to control natural light for a building.


With respect to a previously studied building at Architecture Studio, architectural technology study analyses issues regarding building relationship with natural and built environment, based on knowledges acquired at Building Physics' (1) course.
In this general thematic context, the architectural technology design requires elaboration of written and drafted parts able to illustrate architectural means of ambiental control (sunlight, natural light, hygrotermic comfort, acoustical protection) with rational energy consumption - with accent on SUNLIGHT, SUN PROTECTION and NATURAL LIGHTING.

Teaching Method:

Studio guidance is done by mixt groups of professionals, both professors of the Department and associate professors; the activity includes thematic presentations and individual guidance at the drawing board.


Final evaluation is done by a jury using the following criteria: rightness of addressing several specialty requirements and integration in a quality architectural result; consistency of architectural conception with Architecture Studio work; quality of personal technical documentation; logic and clarity of written parts and drawings.


COMPAGNO - Intelligent Glass Facades
LAM - Sunlight as a Formgiver for Architecture
OLGYAY & OLGYAY - Solar control and Shading Devices, Designing with Climate
SZOKOLAY - Solar Energy and Building
Watson and Labs - Climatic Building Design
UAUIM: Teoria structurilor, Instalații-echipare, Finisaje, Fizica construcțiilor
Firm Catalogs and Flyers
Architecture Magazines (Detail, T&A, DBZ, etc)