Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
2nd Year, sem 1, 2024-2025

SFA-7E | Shape Study (3)

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2L | ECTS Credits: 2

Study of Form and Ambience
Course Leader:
conf. Elena Codina Dușoiu
Teaching Staff:
lect.dr. designer Andreea Ivanciof, asist. sculptor Matei Dumitrescu, asist.arh. Silvia Costiuc
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

- development of a preparation and visual culture complementary to the knowledge obtained in the architecture studio
- Knowledge on elements related to the theory of colors and its application in architectural practice. Development of artistic culture and of the sense of the color.
- Conscient representation of surrounding architectural reality; the sketch-book as a mean of study
- Documentation on modern and contemporary writing modalities, their integration in graphic compositions, the poster as composition, visual identity of the project
- Investigation on contemporary means of artistic expression: photography, film, animation .


1. Composition with graphic symbols. Diagrams/signs/letters. The topic is correlated with the visual identity of a project, with a logo, an architect signature etc.
2. Analysis of an architecture work - volumetric, spatial and symbolic study - complex theme
The theme represents the bi andtridimensional analysis of a consecrated architecture work, the interpretation of planimetric and spatial principles and their application on the current project developed by the student in the architecture workshop
3. From rendering to artistic interpretation - complex theme. The theme represents a survey of rendering techniques of the architectural project and their artistic interferences. The theme is associated to the project delievered at the design studio.
4. Composition. The essentialization of an architecture image. The theme investigates modalities and techniques for the graphic essentialization of the architectural project.
5. Housing and playing - Playground for children in an one-family house

Teaching Method:

Theoretical lectures and presentation of the topic reqests, practical works realised in the studio, with guidance and former documentation.
Didactic materials: The materials and the instruments currently used in the design activity in the school.


The arithmetic average of the 5 works, to two decimal places. The marks of the delivered works will be decided by a commission formed by several professors from the guiding team of the discipline. The presence of the student in the studio and theoretical presentations is a condition for the right to deliever the works.


Bibliographical lists for each work.
1. Argan, Giulio Carlo – Walter Gropius și Bauhaus-ul, Editura Meridiane, București, 1976
2. Assunto, Rosario – Peisajul și estetica, Editura Meridiane, București, 1986
3.Assunto, Rosario – Scrieri despre artă. Orașul lui Amfion și orașul lui Prometeu, Editura Meridiane, București,1986 4.Bérence, Fred – Renașterea italiană, Editura Meridiane, București, 1969 5.Cantacuzino, G.M. – Introducere la opera lui Vitruviu, Editura Meridiane, București, 1993
6.Focillon, Henri – Viața formelor, Editura Meridiane, București, 1995 7.Fiedler, Konrad – Scrieri despre artă, Editura Meridiane, București, 1993 8.Guyau, Jean-Marie – Problemele esteticii contemporane, Editura Meridiane, București, 1990 9.Lascu, Nicolae (antologie) – Funcțiune și formă, Editura Meridiane, București, 1989 10.Pavel, Amelia - Peisaj natural, peisaj uman, Editura Meridiane, București, 1987 11.Tzigara Samurcaș, Al. – Scrieri despre arta românească, Editura Meridiane, București, 1987
Image illustration for art history and artistic currents: Antiquity (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome), Roman and Gothic art, Renaissance (Italy, Netherlands, Spain), Baroc (Italy, Netherlands, Spain), Classicism (Franța), impressionism, expressionism, cubism, abstract art, surrealism, pop art etc.