Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
1st Year, sem 1, 2024-2025

SFA-118E | Descriptive geometry

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+1L | ECTS Credits: 3

Study of Form and Ambience
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Sorana Vlachou
Teaching Staff:
lect. dr. arh. Ioana Avram
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

The course provides students with the necessary formative elements for spatial perception training, as well as key information for creating architectural representations. There have been selected from classical descriptive geometry only those elements that are able to develop the architect's spatial thinking.



1. Projection systems.
2. Representation of straight lines and planes.
3. Chage of projection planes.
4. Irregular polyhedrons. Representation, visibility, unfolding.
5. Intersections of irregular polyhedrons.
6. Solving roofs with equal slopes.
7. The shadows in axonometric projection.
8. The shadows in double orthogonal projection
9. Regular polyhedrons and Semi-regular polyhedrons.
10. Equipartitions. Applications in architecture.
11. Test-1 (Intersections and roofs).
12. Ruled surfaces - classification.
13. Helicoidal surfaces. Helicoidal stairs.
14. Hyperboloids and hyperbolic paraboloids.

Practical works:

1. Geometric transformations - homology and affinity.
2. Solving problems with chage of projection planes.
3. Intersections of irregular polyhedrons.
4. Solving hipped roofs with equal slopes.
5. Intersections or solving roofs.
6. Construction of shadows in axonometric projection.
7. Construction of shadows in double orthogonal projection

Teaching Method:

Lectures and computer examples, study on 3D scale models, practical works with guidance at the drawing board.


Average of the 7 assignments = 20%, test 1 (intersections or roofs), test 2 (shadows) and theoretical test = 80%, with the requirement that the average of the tests is at least 5 (five).


M. ENACHE și I. IONESCU, Descriptive geometry and Perspective, Ed. Didactică și Pedagogică, București, 1983;
A.TĂNĂSESCU, Descriptive geometry, Axonometry and Perspective, Ed. Tehnică, 1975;
Doina NICULAE – Notions of Descriptive Geometry in Architectural Representations, Ed. universitară "Ion Mincu", București, 2004.
Doina Niculae și Iulius Ionescu, Geometry of Architectural Shapes, Ed. universitară "Ion Mincu", București, 2009


It is allowed to redo only one assignment during the duration of the term.