The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
2nd Year, sem 2, 2024-2025
Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C+1L | ECTS Credits: 3
FA-E IT-7E Architecture - Housing - Town.pdfEnglish
The courses ARCHITECTURE – DWELLING – TOWN and ARCHITECTURE – CONTEXT – LANDSCAPE (5th Semester) are meant to introduce the current issues of the contemporary critical debate in architecture. In this respect, the course will discuss some of the themes that influenced contemporary architectural design and critique.
The first course (ADT/Sem.4) will focus on the concept of "dwelling", approached form different perspectives:
phenomenology, anthropology, as well as the architectural and the urban. These perspectives offer some key issues that provide a conceptual framework to investigate :
• the borderline between town and architecture and their common historical evolution
• the political, urban, social and architectural thought that influenced the development of modern dwelling
• specific dwelling issues (Romania and Bucharest), aiming to raise student's awareness to their own urban context
Under the theme of urban explorations, the seminars are aiming to develop and test the concepts introduced by the lectures.
- Introduction: various perspectives upon HOUSING: house/housing, the "domestic"perspective; immediate neighborhood
- The phenomenological perspective on housing and its implications in design
- The anthropological perspective: public/private; domestic/urban; the city as a mental space in between the anonimous and convivial
- Urban morphology: urban fabric, the district; typo-morphology and immediate neighborhood
- Housing / house typology as an expression of the complex house-town-inhabitants dynamics
- Urban and architectural development before the 19th century
- The 19th century and the changes in the house/city relationship; the appearance of housing policies;
- Modern thinking on urban housing – Ideological and formal models (1);
- The critique of the ideological models and their actuality
- Trends in today’s design: case studies. The "neighborhood" model as a possible chance for an organic relationship between architecture and the city.
• Modern housing in Romania. Variations of the models before and after the 2nd World War.
Seminars and practical themes:
• Urban explorations; explaining the relationship between theory and design
• Interpreting some fundamental texts about modern housing.Team work.
• Case studies on site. Strata analysis. Collective debate and final critique of the works.
Lectures / slides / guests
Seminars: site visits, collective debate, individual and group work, final work
practical work (seminars) 50% (condition for promoting minimum 5)
exam 50%
• Castex & Pannerai, Forme urbaine – De l’ilot a la barre
• Panerai, Depaule, Demorgon, Analyse urbaine
• Patrulius, Radu, Locuința în timp și spațiu
• Benevolo, Leonardo, The History of the City
• Harouel, Jean-Louis, Istoria urbanismului
• Frampton, Kenneth, Modern architecture – a critical history
• Mumford, Lewis, The city in history
• Choay, Francoise, Urbanismul - Utopii și realități
• Hall, Peter, Orasele de mâine. O istorie intelectuală a urbanismului în secolul XX
• Ebenezer Howard, Garden Cities of Tomorrow
• Le Corbusier, Urbanisme
• Charta de la Atena
• Pawley, Martin, Architecture versus Housing
• Alexander, Christopher, A city is not a tree
Rafael Moneo, On Typology, in Opposition, September 1978, MIT Press
Frampton, Kenneth, The Evolution of Housing Concepts 1870-1970
Curtis, William J. R., Modern Architecture Since 1900, Phaidon, 1982
Georges Perec, Species of Spaces and Other Pieces, ed. and trans. by John Sturrock (London: Penguin, 1997; rev. ed. 1999)
Vintilă Mihăilescu și Ioana Tudora, Acasă în lume, Igloo, 2020
Christopher Alexander, The Timeless Way of Building, Oxford University Press, 1979