Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
1st Year, sem 2, 2024-2025

IT-5E | Continuity and Discontinuity within the Historic Evolution of the Architectural Phenomenon (II) - from the Renaissance to Romanticism

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 3

The first lecture and communication ways

000 Communication ways.pdf

Information Sources

001 Literature APHE 2.pdf
002 Exam topics.pdf

Rules and Instructions

001 Regulations lecture APHE 2.pdf
002 Promotion regulations APHE 2.pdf
003 Development exams.pdf


001 Exam topics.pdf
002 Development exams.pdf

Resitting Exam

001 Exam topics.pdf
002 Development exams.pdf

Assessment lectures

01 Assessment lecture 2023-2024.pdf


FA-E IT-5E Continuity and Discontinuity within the Historic Evolution of the Architectural Phenomenon (II) - from the Renaissance to Romanticism.pdf
History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
Course Leader:
prof.dr.habil.arh. Hanna Derer
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:


When finalizing this discipline, students would be able to:
- understand the necessary relationship between architecture and context, form and meaning, scale of the object and scale of the natural or urban landscape;
- analyze and critically assess the response of the architectural and urban forms to the complex requirements of the physical and cultural-historic context;
- present with valid arguments their own interpretations, attitudes or approaches regarding issues in the field of architecture and urban design.


When finalizing this discipline, students would be able to understand:
- the architectural phenomenon of the studied period and the determining factors of its evolution;
- the process of transition from pre-modernity to modernity, which characterizes the analyzed historic period.


Titles of the lectures
1. European and Italian preludes: from Vitruv to the Italian proto-renaissance
2. The cradle of early Renaissance: Florence – tradition and innovation in the architecture practice: Filippo Brunelleschi
3. The relationship between architecture theory and practice: the work of Leon Battista Alberti
4. The spreading of the early Renaissance: Lombardia, Urbino, Veneto
5. Centralization and dogma: Rome – the capital of high Renaissance during the time of
Donato Bramante
6. The vulnerable centre – form and reformation of the content: Renaissance, mannerism and early baroque in the work of Michelangelo Buonarotti
7. Stable and unstable tradition: the late Renaissance in and by the work of Andrea Palladio
8. Reborn centre / centres: counter-reformation – content and form of the baroque:
Gianlorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini in Rome, Guarino Guarini in Turin
9. Birth of the modern urban planning – urban space in the Baroque age
10. The spreading of Italian Renaissance throughout Europe: Italian artists in France, native ones in German speaking areas and in Britain
11. National replicas: evolving classicism in France, German renaissance and Palladianism in Britain
12. The temporary freedom: baroque and rococo as intermezzo
13. Unified national tendencies: classicism in the second half of the 18th century
14. Diversifying options: romanticism

Teaching Method:

lectures with digital images


exam written paper


Materials available in electronic format

Roth, Leland M.; Roth Clark, Amanda C., Understanding Architecture. Its Elements, History, and Meaning, 2018
Ching, Francis D. K.; Jarzombek, Mark M.; Prakash, Vikramaditya, A Global History of Architecture, 2017
Mira Dordea – Renaștere, Baroc si Rococo in arhitectura universala, 1994 (scan pdf - selecție)
Spiro Kostof – A History of Architecture, Oxford University Press, 1995 – cap. 17, 20, 21 (scan pdf)
Vincent Scully, Architecture. The Natural and the Manmade, New York, St. Martin's Press, 1991 (scan pdf)
Mihaela Criticos - note de curs (pdf)