Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
5th Year, sem 1, 2024-2025

IT-54E | Comparative Architecture

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 3

General information

Thursdays, 14.30-16.30, a2 (en)

Intermediate paper
Each student will choose / receive one of the topics announced at the introductory lecture. The intermediate delivery represents the individual documentation of each of the students, having as starting point the materials available at the following links:
Students are welcome to add any other documentation sources. Students may deliver their documentation at the end of any of the courses scheduled, no later than 09.01.2025
Case studies with bibliography in english language:

Individual work during semester

For the English Group, the distribution of the case studies will be decided during classes.
The full list of the case studies, is available here:


FA-E IT-54E Comparative Architecture.pdf
History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Irina Tulbure-Moldovan
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

Understanding the Romanian architecture within the western and central European architectural culture, in the broader context of political, cultural, social and economical changes during the 20th century;
Understanding the contemporary perspectives in approaching the architectural heritage of the 20th century;
Understanding the relationship between the different layers of the theoretical discourse and the architectural creation;
Developing the abilities for the critical approach of the architectural phenomenon.


The main field of the course is the architecture of the 20th century. The course proposes a detailed approach of different architectural productions in relation with theories and concepts. Instead of a chronological timeline the course construction is following a thematic structure. The main themes discussed over the lectures are approaching the Romanian and the Eastern and Central European architectural phenomenon in the broader perspective of the western culture. Some of the main ideas discussed over the lectures are focused on: national identities, local responses to the modernist movement, parallel discourses of the modernity – tradition debate, the political dimension of the architecture, the modern architecture in terms of heritage, the traces of the socialist culture on the Eastern and Central European architecture, discontinuities and synchronization between east and west, the post-socialist condition and contemporary approaches in architecture.
The course is not following the usual format, oriented towards a chronological display; the course proposes instead a focus on several particular case studies, placed in the broader context and discussed through four main themes, as part of the reference frame of territorial and geographical context: absorbing modernity; identity and architecture; architecture and politics; the present time and the (re) evaluation of the recent past.

Teaching Method:

Mainly lectures, based on visual presentation and video materials (occasionally). A summary of each course/group of courses together with bibliographical references and other materials (if considered relevant) will be posted on the UAUIM site. Discussions based on bibliography, in the second half of the semester.
Students are fully responsible for accessing and reading the material and for asking for clarifications in time.
Lectures in english: room s, thursdays, 14.30-16.30
OFFICE HOURS: : 12.30-14.30 (Department HTAHC OFFICE)


A draft of the paper (10%*exam mark) will be delivered during the semester. Last call for intermediate delivery: 09.01.2025

Attendance: There are no conditions regarding the presence in class (attending list, short papers) other than the general conditions of UAUIM, that claim that attending the courses is mandatory in the class and also with opened cameras, according to the online procedures. Missing the classes could represent a disadvantage for students in understanding the content of the course. Therefore the students are fully responsible if they base their work for this course only on the summaries and written materials.

All the students, regardless their activity during the semester may attend the exam (under the condition of loosing 10% of their final mark, for those who don't have activity during the semester)

EXAM, during the exam session.


COHEN, Jean Louis, The Future of Architecture. Since 1889, Ed. Phaidon, New York, 2012
COLQUHOUN, Alain, Modern Architecture, Oxford University Press, 2002
FRAAMPTON, Kenneth, Modern Architecture. A critical History, Thames & Hudson, London, 1992
MALLGRAVE, Sir Harry Francis, An Introduction to Architectural Theory. 1968 to the Present, Ed. Wiley Blackwell, 2012
MORAVÁNSZKY, Ákos, TORSTEN Lange, HOPFENGÄRTNER, Judith, KEGLER, Karl R. (editori), Re-Humanizing Architecture. New Forms of Comunity, 1950-1970, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2017
MORAVÁNSZKY, Ákos, TORSTEN Lange, HOPFENGÄRTNER, Judith, KEGLER, Karl R. (editori), Re-Scaling the Environment. New Landscape Design, 1960-1980, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2017
MORAVÁNSZKY, Ákos, TORSTEN Lange, HOPFENGÄRTNER, Judith, KEGLER, Karl R. (editori), Re-Framing Identities. Architecture’s Turn to History, 1970-1990, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2017
MORAVÁNSZKY, Ákos (ed.), Competing Visions. Aesthic invention and social imagination in Central European Architecture 1867-1918, MIT Press, 1997


Introductory lecture
Lectures 2-3
Further readings lectures 2-3
Recommendations lectures 2-3
Lectures 4-5
Further readings lectures 4-5
Lectures 6-7
Evaluation form for course/professor: