Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
2nd Year, sem 1, 2024-2025

IT-25E | History of Modern Architecture (1) – the 19th Century

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 3

Course resources


FA-E IT-25E History of Modern Architecture (1) the 19th Century.pdf
History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
Course Leader:
prof. dr. arh. Horia Moldovan
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

Detailed account of architecture and urban planning in Western Europe and United States from mid eighteenth century to the late nineteenth century. Analysis of the evolution of the architecture that (re)consider historical sources (ancient, medieval etc.) and of innovative directions in the context of profound changes that Western civilization suffered.


Lecture topics:

Classical tradition in the second half of the eighteenth century: science, archeology, theory
Visionary architects: Etienne-Louis and Claude-Nicolas Ledoux Boullée
Romanticism in architecture: general features
Architecture in France during the revolutionary decade and Napoleonian period
Searching for a new style: the Middle Ages and the classical ideal in German speaking countries in the first half of the nineteenth century
City of the nineteenth century – premises, models, evolution
École des Beaux-Arts – architectural training in the nineteenth century
Eclecticism in architecture
Architecture and engineering: new materials – new aesthetics
The evolution of architecture and urban planning in the United States (1750-1890)

Teaching Method:



Written exam



History of architecture and urban planning - general studies

FRAMPTON Kenneth, Modern Architecture. A Critical History, 3rd edition, London, Thames and Hudson Ltd., 2003
HITCHCOCK, Henry-Russell, Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Pelican History of Art, Harmondsworth, 1977
KOSTOF, Spiro, A History of Architecture. Settings and Rituals, Oxford University Press, 1995
KRUFT, Hano-Walter, A History of Architectural Theory. From Vitruvius to the Present, New York, Princeton Architectural Press, 1994
WATKIN, David, A History of Western Architecture, Laurence King, 2000

History of architecture and urban planning - 18th and 19th centuries

BENEVOLO, Leonardo, History of Modern Architecture, vol. I, The Tradition of Modern Architecture, The MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, (1977) 1980
BENEVOLO, Leonardo, The Origins of Modern Town Plannig, The MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, (1963) 1967
BERGDOLL, Barry, European Architecture 1780-1890, Oxford University Press, 2000
CHOAY, Françoise, The Modern City: Planning in the 19th Century, New York, George Braziller, 1969
COLLINS, Peter, Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture. 1750-1950, McGill-Queenʼs University Press, (1965) 1984
LASCU, Nicolae, MĂRGINEANU CÂRSTOIU, Monica, (ed.), Arhitectura ca artă. Premise teoretice ale arhitecturii secolului XX, de la François Blondel la Camillo Boito, București, ed. Meridiane, 1987
MIDDLETON, Robin (ed.), The Beaux-Arts and the Nineteenth-century French Architecture, The MIT Press, 1982
MIGNOT, Claude, Architecture of the 19th Century, Köln, Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, (1983) 1994
WATKIN, David, MIDDLETON, Robin, Architecture in the Nineteenth Century, Electa, Milano, (1980) 2003
WATKIN, David, MELLINGHOFF, Tilman, German Architecture and the Classical Ideal: 1740-1840, London, Thames & Hudson Ltd., 1987


In order to pass the exam, the final mark must be 5,00 (five)