The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
1st Year, sem 1, 2024-2025
Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C | ECTS Credits: 3
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The student will be acquainted to the major stages of evolution of the European city.
He will understand the relation between urban mutations and their historical context.
He will develop a capacity to analyze the urban fabric from a historical perspective.
The student will understand the diachronic relation between urban form and architectural object.
He will have at least a basic and indispensable level of professional culture.
C1. Introduction. Elements of theory and method. The city and urban planning in history. Prehistoric settlements. The Middle East
C2. The ancient city- Greece and the Aegean space
C3. The ancient city – the Roman city
C4. The medieval city
C5. The city of the Renaissance
C6. The classical city. The baroque city
C7. The industrial city of the 19th century
C8. The city in the first half of the 20th century
C9. The city in the second half of the 20th century
C10. Midterm examination
C11 – C14. Urban morpho-typology: a historical approach
Lectures, presentations
Midterm examination - 50%
Final written exam - 50%
Minimal bibliography
BENEVOLO, Leonardo, The History of the City, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1980
KOSTOF, Spiro, The City Shaped. Urban Patterns and Meanings through History, Thames&Hudson, Londra, 1991
KOSTOF, Spiro, The City Assembled. Elements of Urban Form through History, Little Brown, Boston, 1992
HAROUEL, Jean-Louis, Istoria urbanismului, Ed. Meridiane, București, 2001 (ed. orig. Paris, 1981)
Extended bibliography
MUMFORD, Lewis, The City in History, Harcourt, San Diego, 1961
GHEORGHIU, Teodor Octavian, Așezări umane, Artpress, Timișoara, 2009-2010 (3 vol.)
BENEVOLO, Leonardo, Orașul în istoria Europei, Ed. Polirom, București, 2003 (ed. orig. Roma, 1993)
MORRIS, A.E.J., History of the Urban Form, Halsted Press, New York, 1979
CHOAY, Françoise, Urbanismul, utopii și realități, Ed. Paideia, București, 2002 (ed. orig. Paris, 1965)
HALL, Peter, Orașele de mâine. O istorie intelectuală a urbanismului în secolul XX, Ed. All Educational, București, 1999 (ed. orig. Oxford, 1988)
BLANQUART, Paul, Une histoire de la ville, Ed. La Découverte, Paris, 1997
KOTKIN, Joel, The City. A Global History, Modern Library, New York, 2006
VANCE, James E., The Continuing City. Urban Morphology in Western Civilization, Londra, 1990
PINOL, Jean Luc (coord.), Histoire de l’Europe urbaine, Ed. Seuil, Paris, 2003 (2 vol.)
CALABI, Donatella (coord.), seria Storia della città, Ed. Laterza, Roma, 2001-2013 (10 vol.)
CRISTEA, Doina, Elemente de mediu în urbanism, curs universitar, IAIM, 1989