Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
5th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025

CP-7E | Practical Exercises (Survey)

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2L | ECTS Credits: 2

History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation
Course Leader:
conf. Ștefan Bâlici
Teaching Staff:
conf. dr. Adrian Crăciunescu, lect. dr. Irina Iamandescu, lect. dr. Gabriel Panasiu, asist. dr. Irina Băncescu, asist. dr. Alexandra Teodor, asist. dr. arh. Diana Mihnea, asist. dr. arh. Irina Calotă-Popescu, dr. arh.-ing. Cătălin Andrei Neagoe
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

Awareness about and exercise for the proper use of measurement techniques in building survey.


Building survey: definition and purpose
Topography, general principles and specific use in architecture
Direct measurement in architecture
Interpretation of building measured drawing
Building measured drawing
Rules and guidelines in measured drawing

Teaching Method:

practical activities


measured drawing


- Guide to Recording Historic Buildings. ICOMOS, London-Boston: Butterworth Architecture, 1990.
- Paul Bryan, Bill Blake, Jon Bedford, Metric Survey Specifications for Cultural Heritage. Swindon: English Heritage, 2009.
- Rand Eppich, Amel Chabbi (eds.), Recording, Documentation, and Information Management for the Conservation of Heritage Places: Vol. II, Illustrated Examples. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, 2007.
- David M. Jones (ed.), 3D Laser Scanning for Heritage (second edition), Advice and guidance to users on laser scanning in archaeology and architecture. Swindon: English Heritage, 2011.
- John King (ed.), Understanding Historic Buildings. A guide to good recording practice. Swindon: English Heritage, 2006.
- Robin Letellier, Werner Schmid, François LeBlanc, Recording, Documentation, and Information Management for the Conservation of Heritage Places: Vol. I, Guiding Principles. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, 2007.