The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
4th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025
Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 2C+2P | ECTS Credits: 5
FA-E CP-51E Restoration - Theory and Design.pdfEnglish
Generally, the notion of restoration circumscribes plural values of heritage, distributed in domains as varied as architecture, archaeology, or different branches of engineering. Interventions on buildings with historical value are often challenging, raising problems among the most complex, either of doctrine, technical, legal, or economic. To give a response to these questions may only come from knowledge, which needs to be permanently expanded, so as to ensure that the decisions that underlie the restoration project are well based, and the subjective dimension inherent to architectural design is pondered. A necessary support in this direction is provided by doctrine, legal framework, but also by the tight cooperation that a restorer must build with professionals from related disciplines (historians, civil engineers, biologists, restorers of artworks, anthropologists, etc.)
Understanding the doctrinal principles applicable to the restoration project.
The thorough development of underlying research (e.g. historical-architectural research, geometric survey, condition survey), instrumental for the intervention decision.
Acknowledging the role that disciplines related to architecture play in the process of conservation/restoration.
Build the rationale for intervention decision, stages and criteria applicable to buildings with heritage value.
1. Introductory notions. Theoretical fundaments, legal milestones, and definitions.
2. The geometric survey. Instruments and methods for the investigation of the architecture object.
3. The condition survey. Tool for understanding the pathology and devising curative interventions.
4. The historical-architectural study. Fundamental instrument for the definition of values and establishing the possibilities and limits of intervention.
5. Building materials and techniques.
6. The ruin. General issues, intervention types, interpretation and presentation within the ensemble and the object.
7. Structural interventions and the way that consolidation measures must be subordinated to the features and values of the object.
8. Studies, investigations, deterioration types, and interventions specific to the conservation/restoration of stone.
9. Studies, investigations, deterioration types, and interventions specific to the conservation/restoration of mural painting.
10. Restoration principles and stages of intervention.
11. Interpretation and presentation methods of volumes, surfaces and other architectural elements.
12. Conservation/restoration interventions on buildings with heritage value, in European and national contexts.
13. Main elements of the economic documentation, a decisive component of restoration planning.
14. Case studies.
lectures (PowerPoint presentations; bibliography)
Wrtitten exam
***, International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites (Venice, 1964.
***, The Nara Document on Authenticity, 1994.
***, Principles for Conservation and Restoration of built Heritage, ICOMOS, 2000.
***, International Charters for Conservation and Restoration. Monuments and Sites, I, ICOMOS, 2004.
***, Charter for the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites, ICOMOS, 2007.
***, Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Heritage Value, ICOMOS, 2010.
***, English Heritage. Practical Building Conservation, Historic England, 2012.
***, La relevé en architecture ou lʼéternelle quête du vrai, Cité de lʼarchitecture & patrimoine, 2007.
Brandi, Cesare, Teoria restaurării, Meridiane, București, 1996.
Carbonara, Giovanni, Avvicinamento al restauro. Teoria, storia, monumenti, Napoli, 1997.
Carbonara, Giovanni, Atlante del Restauro, UTET, 2004.
Choay, Franҫoise, Patrimoniul la răscruce. Antologie de luptă, București, Ozalid, 2009.
Choay, Franҫoise, Alegoria patrimoniului, Editura Simetria, București, 1998
Croci, Giorgio, Conservazione e restauro strutturale dei beni architettonici, Torino, 2001.
Duval Georges, Restaurations et réutilisation des monuments anciens: techniques contemporaines, Mardaga, 1990.
Feilden, Bernard, Conservation of Historic Buildings, Architectural Press, (1982), 2007.
Jokilehto, Jukka, A History of Architectural Conservation, Oxford, (1999),2002.
Kovács, Kázmér, Timpul monumentului istoric, București, Paideia, 2003.
Mouton, Benjamin, Sens et renaissances du patrimoine architectural, Cité de lʼarchitecture & patrimoine, 2018.
Petzet, Michael, Principii internaționale ale prezervării monumentelor, în „Caiete ICOMOS”, nr. 1, 2010.
ICOMOS, Illustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns, Ed. V. Vergès-Belmin, 2008 (
EwaGlos, European illustrated glossary of conservation terms for wall paintings and architectural surfaces, - English definitions with translations into Bulgarian, Croatian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish and Turkish, Petersberg, Ed. Angela Weyer, Michael Imhof Verlag, 2015 (