Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
2nd Year, sem 2, 2024-2025

BP2-14E | Architectural Design Studio / Theory of Architectural Design (2.4)

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1L+12P | ECTS Credits: 7

Assignment 4, 2024-2025

An 2 t3-t4 ro-en.pdf


Basics of Architectural Design
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Melania Dulămea
Teaching Staff:
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

Continuing the progressive understanding of the city through the project, exploring the co-presence of several rules of urban planning.
Knowledge of tools for exploring the connections between the social life of the city and the urban space.
Systematic and sensitive understanding of a neighborhood, community and neighborhood social relations.
Exercising the skills to develop a coherent architectural program.
Development of the capacity for formal creation and architectural composition, advancing towards the understanding of the relations between part and whole, unity and ensemble, repetition and differentiation.
Strengthen the learning of the spatial, functional, structural and detailing principles of housing architecture, taking into account the elements of social interaction between several families.


The theme shifts the emphasis on the tension created between the given reality of a site in the historic city (configured spontaneously, by overlapping layers, etc.) and the theme of a small housing complex (having its own rules). Starting from a dominant theme related to living and from a careful and critical reading of the neighborhood, this exercise must allow a progressive experimentation of "shaping the architectural space", so aspects of architecture related to: composition and organization of space, structure, materiality, use and distribution of space, capitalization of the precedent, etc. Carried out in teams of two students throughout the semester, the project must reach a certain degree of technical detail.

Teaching Method:

Individual critique, collective critique, theoretical lectures, site visits, case studies.


Documentation and research notebook, individual defense of the project within the studio, grading by jury board


Irina CALOTĂ, Dincolo de centru. Politici de locuire în București (1910-1944), Editura Ozalid, București, 2017
- Peter EBNER, Markus KÜNTSCHER, Ulrike WIETZORREK, Typology+: Innovative Residential Architecture, Birkhauser, Basel, 2010
- Jan GEHL, Orașe pentru oameni, Igloo Media, București, 2012
- Herman HERTZBERGER, Lessons for Students in Architecture, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2009
- Jane JACOBS, The Death and Life of our American Cities, Random House, New York, 1961
- David LEVITT, The Housing Design Handbook: A Guide to Good Practice, Routledge, 2009
- Bernard LEUPEN, Harald MOOIJ, Housing Design: A Manual, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam, 2008
- MVRDV, The Why Factory, The vertical village: individual, informal, intense, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam, 2012
- Anca Nicoleta OȚOIU, Locuința înșiruită – strategii ale locuinței durabile, Ed. Universitară Ion Mincu, București, 2011
- Gunter PHEIFER, Per BRAUNECK, Courtyard Houses, Row Houses, Town Houses: A Housing Typology, Birkhauser, Basel, 2007-2008
- Richard ROGERS, Cities for a small planet, Faber & Faber, Londra, 1997
- Friederike, SCHNEIDER (ed), Recueil de plans d’habitation, Birkhauser, Basel, 2007
- Christian SCHITTICH, High-density housing: concepts, planning, construction, Edition Detail & Birkhauser, Munchen, 2004
- Andrei Răzvan VOINEA, Idealul locuirii bucureștene. Familia cu casă și grădină: Parcelările Societății Comunale pentru Locuințe Ieftine București (1908-1948), Asociația Sudio Zona, București, 2018,
- Ana Maria ZAHARIADE (coord), De la Înfundătură la Intrare. Locuri ale Bucureștiului cotidian, Ed. Universitară Ion Mincu, București, 2016
- Bibliografia cursului Arhitectură. Locuire. Oraș, An II, Semestrul 4, UAUIM 2020-2021