Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
2nd Year, sem 1, 2024-2025

BP2-11E | Architectural Design Studio / Theory of Architectural Design (2.1)

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1L+12P | ECTS Credits: 4

Assignment 1, 2024-2025

An 2 t1 ro-en.pdf


Basics of Architectural Design
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Melania Dulămea
Teaching Staff:
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

1. The recognition and identification of the structuring elements of a site
2. The ability to interpret the meaning of a program in connection to local priorities
3. The ability to integrate movement as a vector of the conception and perception of space


In direct connection with the site and the semantics of the place, this study will focus on the notions of exteriority and path (and others which are intercorrelated: route, mobility, extent, experience, narrative, etc.), both considered fixed milestones of the framework theme. Further on, the Design Studios have to expand their vision and build a specific theme.

Continuing the investigation of the architectural spatial complexity ‒ as indicated in the first year of study, this theme focus on the site issues. The object of the study is: the active reading of a real site by an architectural proposal, understanding its quality of place while extending the reflections beyond the limits of the intervention allotment.

Teaching Method:

Individual critique, collective critique, theoretical lectures, case studies.


Documentation and research notebook, individual defense of the project within the studio, grading by jury board


Rudolf Arnheim, „În Plus...(Compoziția temporală)” în Forța centrului vizual. Un studiu al compoziției în artele vizuale [The Power of the Center. A study of Composition in the Visual Arts], trad. Luminița Ciocan (Iași:Polirom, 2012 [University of California Press, 2009[1988]]), pp.192‒201.
Pierre Boudon,”L’entrelacs architectural (ou le jeu des passages)”, Le sens du parcours, Protée, vol. 3, nr. 2/ 2005, pp. 9‒18.
Anne Cauquelin,”Parler du lieu”, Communications 2/2010, pp. 77‒ 84.
Nigel Coates, ‘The long perspective’ in Narrative Architecture (Wiley, 2012), pp. 13‒32.
Aldo van Eyck, ‘Place and occasion’ (1962 Aldo van Eyck Team 10 Primer) in Theories and Manifestoes on Contemporary Architecture, ed. by Charles Jencks and Karl Kropf (Academy Press, 2006), pp. 27‒8.
Kengo Kuma, „Nașterea unei conexiuni” în Anti-Obiect: disoluția și dezintegrarea arhitecturii [Anti-Object: The Dissolution and Disintegration of Architecture], trad. Mihaela Pelteacu, Daniela Maria Puia (București: Pro Cultura, 2018 [London: AA Publications, 2008]), pp. 11‒37.
Pierre von Meiss, „Locuri” in De la Formă la Loc+Tectonica: o introducere în studiul arhitecturii [De la forme au lieu + de la tectonique], trad. Ana-Maria Hariton (București: Capitel Avangarde, 2015 [EPFL Press, 2012]), pp. 197‒235.
Valerio Olgiati, Markus Breitschmid, ‘Experience of Space’ in Non-Referential Architecture (Park Books, 2019), pp. 58‒71.
Peter Zumthor, Mari Lending, A feeling of History, Verlag Scheideger and Spiers, 2018, pp. 15‒30.