Architecture Degree Programme at “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
1st Year, sem 1, 2024-2025

BP1-21E | Architectural Design Studio / Theory of Architectural Design (1.1)

Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1L+12P | ECTS Credits: 7

Assignment 1, 2024-2025

An 1 e1 ro-en.pdf
Scoring Criteria BP1-21E.pdf


FA-E BP1-21E Architectural Design Studio - Theory of Architectural Design (1.1).pdf
Basics of Architectural Design
Course Leader:
conf.dr.arh. Melania Dulămea
Teaching Staff:
Teaching language:


Learning outcomes:

- Understanding, using and perfecting the elementary tools of architectural representation: graphic (plan, section, elevation, axonometry, photography, sketch, collage, analytical scheme, etc.) and linguistic (architectural text and language, specialized terms), as well as with the various representation techniques (graphite, ink, pastel, collage, etc.);
- Training and development of the ability to identify the characteristics and qualities of a building, to analyze and synthesize them, to classify it in a spatial typology;
- Operating with the basic elements of the production of space in the proposal of spaces with intention and meaning, understanding and operating with notions such as system, rhythm, plot, understanding and operating with the various specific spatial configurations - the typologies studied;


The project contains two distinct exercises.
The first part proposes leaning on an extensive series of reference models or buildings, which were chosen and grouped following 6 distinct spatial typologies: 1. Linear space, 2. Central space, 3. Chamber space, 4. Hypostyle space, 5. Courtyard interior and 6. Portico (defined in more detail in the text associated with the series of examples).
The exercise proposes the understanding of the notion of space (understood further on all the time with the meaning of architectural space), as an essential and defining substance with which architecture operates. Continuing the exploration of the space, in the second part of the exercise, one of the buildings already studied will be chosen and investigated more closely, examining it as a mentor.

Teaching Method:

the lecture, the conversation, the debate, quick exercise


Continuous evaluation
Intermediate phase grading
Final evaluation