The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
6th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025
Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 4P | ECTS Credits: 18
The integrated use of the achieved conceptual and methodological instruments, in order to resolve a concrete design case and to convincingly motivate the proposed architectural solution.
The cumulative demonstration of the specific competences of an architect, by a synthetic design exercise accomplished under conditions of autonomy and defended in front of a pluridisciplinary jury.
Starting from the prediploma study and the related recommendation of the jury, the student elaborates the project for an architectural object, in relation with its natural and man maid context. The project should manage the coherence of the esthetic, functional and technical criteria; in particular, it should consider criteria of architectural sustainability with respect to the building's environmental, social and economic impact.
The minimal content of the diploma project:
1. Synthesis of the design demarche and conceptual diagrams.
2. Mission statement (about 1000 words) in Romanian and English (or French), expressing the student's position to the theme and the conceptual demarche of the project.
3. The prediploma (the original one + the remaid drawings, following the jury's recommendations).
4. Site plan - 1/500, 1/1000 etc.
5. All different plans, facades and charracteristic sections - 1/50,1/100, 1/200 – according to the dimensions of the object.
6. Plan detail (about 200 sq.m) and a section through the same area - working drawings, 1/50.
7. Charracteristic facade detail drawings (vertical section, different orizontal sections, elevation), 1/20.
8. Significant architectural details, 1/5 - 1/1.
9. Two perspectives in traditional drawing techniques.
10. Building model.
Any other representations considered useful for a better understanding of the project, may be added.
The content of the project and the drawing scales are established by the student consulting its tutor, considering the complexity and the dimensions of the proposed intervention.
Individual study followed by a tutor, with pluridisciplinary consultancy.
The tutor’s validation of the student’s project is a preliminary condition for the final jury evaluation.
Public presentation of the diploma project in front of a pluridisciplinary jury with international participation.
The task of selecting the relevant bibliography belongs to the student.