The Faculty of Architecture / Architecture (English taught)
6th Year, sem 2, 2024-2025
Compulsory Course | Hours/Week: 1C+3P | ECTS Credits: 10
The application of the previously achieved knowledge and skills in a synthetic exercise in relation with a concrete study case.
The demonstration of the professional and transversal competences concerning the capacity to develop an independent research task and to elaborate a scientific text in the field of architecture.
Students elaborate a research work (about 10.000 words) on an argument chosen from any disciplinary area of architecture: theory of architecture, urbanism, conservation of the architectural heritage, architectural technology etc.
The argument of the research work is established by the student assisted by his tutor; the choice has to be made so that the study sustains from a theoretical point of view the concept of the diploma project.
By its content, the dissertation has to demonstrate the scientific knowledge of the selected theme area, to point out the state of the art in the field and to include elements of original scientific research on the chosen argument, as well as the demonstration of their concrete validation by the case study represented by the diploma project.
Individual study followed by a tutor.
The tutor’s validation of the student’s work is a preliminary condition for the final evaluation.
Final evaluation of the written dissertation and of its oral presentation, by a jury.
Eco, Umberto: "Cum se face o teză de licență", Ed. Pontica, Constanța, 2000
Gibaldi, Joseph: "MLA Handbook for Writers’of Research Papers", 7th edition, MLA, 2009
Murray, Rowena: "How to Write a Thesis", Open University Press, 2006
Russey, William E.; Ebel, Hans Friedrich; Bliefert, Claus: "How to Write a Successful Science Thesis: The Concise Guide for Students", Wiley-VCH, 2006
Șerbănescu, Andra: "Cum se scrie un text", Ed. Polirom, Iași, 2001